Indie Motion Line

Anna Shtengel

Anna Shtengel - an Israeli pole artist and teacher based in Graz, outdoor addict and Indie Motion line creator and artist in all events

IG @nobodystigershoe

Amir Porat

Amir  Porat- an Israeli storyboard artist and an animator based in Graz. Our animation curator, presenting also his own works - film and drawings at the events, event flow manager, flyers and website designer. You probably got it - if somethig has to be creatively done or fixed, this is the guy:)

IG @poratamir

Lyli Wolf

Lyli - an Austrian aerial hoop artist and teacher based in Graz. Her journey into aeriel acrobatics makes her living upside down, sharing her passion through teaching and performances worldwide. Lyli joined us at IM3 and is since then she is a vital spirit in the production team and contemporary aerial performer in the show

Paula Machado

Paula Machado - a Portuguese ukulele singer, a storytelling performer and photographer artist based in Graz. Performing artist in all events and exhibition artist of “Dreams vs. Reality”

IG @cusca_