Supporting Team
The one of a kind, golden heart talanted person, the “one man does it all”,
sees everything but is sitting invisibile pulling all the strings😎️ - sound and lights technic,
performing arts scene connections, stage and space organization and whatever is needed
to professionaly manage the event “behind the curtains”.
Thank you our dear “Stasi”.

Event flow program and stage operation
A little bit closer to the stage itself, under Stasi’s watch, during the event these angels managed the scene:
Amir Porat, Lyli Elizabeth Wolf and Paula Machado- program flow management
Olga Diamanti and Lola Rainer- stage arrangement management
Digital Identity
Amir Porat - program flow management
Florian Unger - stage arrangement management
What is Home?
Amir Porat - program flow management
Olga Diamanti - stage arrangement management
Dreams vs. Reality
Abelina Holzer - program flow management